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How to Evict the People (& thoughts) that are living Rent Free in your head...

Shane Krider has just lead us through an empowering 3 part Facebook Live Stream Series on the exact formula of getting rid of the people, thoughts or circumstances that are living rent free in our heads.

You can check it out here on our Prosperity Of Life Facebook page.

Shane Krider - presenting on the Gold Coast in Australia, February 2024

Episode One highlights the fact that it's not always "someone" that is taking up space in our minds, it can be circumstances, thoughts, monkey chatter... or, our very own fears that we hold on so tightly to.

No matter who it is or what it is, it's taking up space - consuming the bandwidth so we so dearly need to make progress, learn new things & create success in life. This is the nuts & bolts of what holds us back & when we realise this, we discover how important it really is serve the eviction papers, clear the space & step into our best self.

So firstly, how do we identify what things are really draining our brain power (so to speak)? Do a little self check - is there someone that you feel has "wronged you"? Have you felt belittled by someone & does this keep popping up for you? At one stage, before we took a few hits in life, we were 100% "going for it" - we were indominable! And then... things changed, partly because we gave up space in our mind with the wrong things & we also shifted our locus of control from internal to external (more on that from Shane in Episode 2)! Once you've identified who you've given your power to you'll be able to identify what actions you DON'T take because of this perceived power they have over you... (yikes)!

Shane & Rachel Krider - bringing us the very best of game changing Personal Development...

In Episode 2, discovering the difference between blaming outside circumstances or events vs taking personal responsibility, sets you up to apply the steps that Shane teaches, to get the result. Redefining your Goals, your purpose & your measuring stick to see your own accomplishments, is a key part of this process. Am I finding the opportunities in the challenges that I am facing? Sounds simple - so simple that we can miss the opportunities way too often. Once we shift up our environment, our mindset & our focus, we can find the turning point that steers us towards success.

In Part 3 Shane hones in on one of our most popular topics from our Beyond Freedom Evolution Leadership Development program - Flying above the Fray. This is a game changer - IF you know how to apply it into your life... I highly recommend you jump on & catch all 3 Episodes.

This series was put together to assist you in giving yourself all the mental space, calmness of thought, perspective & focus that you need and to show you how to find joy in engaging with your Goals again. Doesn't it feel like exactly the right time for just that?

If you are looking to create rapid growth in your life & you're ready to take control over your thought processes, you absolutely must check out this 3 part Live Stream Series - take notes & take action.

To Your Success!

Kirsty Goldsworthy ~ Prosperity Of Life Branding & Corporate Communications

20 Kommentare

Berni Ireland
Berni Ireland
08. Mai

🏡 With Real Estate prices soaring in most countries we need to pay attention who we are renting our space to!! The Real Estate in our mind is a precious commodity sort after by us and others. This 'mindspace' is our Bandwidth, it is up to us to protect and guard it so we are in control of running our own lives and Bandwidth. Shane and Rachel Krider's 3 Part Series on "How to manage the people that live rent free in your head," is a golden gem not to be missed in the current market.

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07. Mai

Allowing ourselves to own it. Shane teaches in a way that speaks to the heart. Keeping it simple and allow big shifts to happen. This 3 part series hit home and actionable step to make the shift.

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Myles Forsyth
Myles Forsyth
07. Mai

I don’t often comment on posts, podcasts or blogs, but for some reason I feel compelled to comment on Shane and Rach’s shares. 😁😁 It’s not just people, but your thoughts that can occupy valuable mental real estate. We can identify the freeloaders that shouldn’t be there and evict them. Our mind is a tool we can be in charge of. Learning that has been life changing. Loving my eight-year relationship with Shane, Rach and Greg. 🙂

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Eileen Darwin
Eileen Darwin
06. Mai

I loved the 3 sessions - and relevant to me, in fact anyone who's had the 'monkey chatter' going on in the past... taking care of it, getting the internal dialogue handled are great skills to adopt in life - whether personally or professionally... is highly recommended. Great to see free livestreams like this on Personal Development - it's an ongoing gift to people from Shane and Rachel...

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Helen Sandwick
Helen Sandwick
06. Mai

These renters keep returning and sneaking in through the back door - they're a pesky bunch! There's simply no room for them anymore and they've just got to go to make room for all of the positive affirmations that are in place these days. Thank you Shane, Rachel, and Greg.

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